Main rules of creating a research paper outline in MLA style

The MLA style or the Modern Language Association style of writing is one of the most common styles of writing research articles, essays and much more. Now before we start writing those papers we need to at least learn the rules of the MLA suggested by Paper Written experts to make sure your paper is flawless.

Rule #1: Parallelism

Sounds like a big word right but not actually. Parallelism is when you go with a single format when starting to write your outline. Let’s say for example that you started writing the heading outline using a verb; then the second heading also needs to be written with a verb. Sounds simple enough right? That’s because you simply need to be consistent with the style of your writing to ensure that the MLA has been enforced in writing your outline.

Rule #2: Coordination

The information that you have entered in your heading should have the “weight” as you succeeding headings. What does this mean? It means that the significance of the content in one heading should contain the same amount of significance as the next heading. You cannot make the next heading be less significant than the others as it is a poor writing practice, and it will harm the outcome of your outline.

Rule #3: Subordination

There must be a hierarchy in your heading and subheading. The heading must be in a simplified form while the subheading must be more specific and detailed. It must have a connection with your heading, and you cannot simply just add the subheadings without the proper content. Otherwise, you will ruin the flow of your work, and you will have to redo it again, which is an arduous task.

Rule #4: Division

Then we have division, each of the created headings must be divided into 2 or more to give it the content it needs. Each division will further elaborate on your heading, but take caution in dividing it too much, or you will get lost and confused, which is something you need to avoid. Keep it straight to the point and keep the division to the important details.

And there we have it - just remember to follow this rules and your outline will be as good as gold. The key to remember here is that you need to have the mindset to get the outline right the first time so take your time and reread your work so that you will have confidence in its completion.

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